Home Delivery is a great option if you have a busy lifestyle. Our routes are designed to optimize gas mileage and to keep your convenience as a top priority. After you’re set up on our delivery service, you will receive a free personalized bag and you’ll be placed on our monthly billing plan. It’s as simple as that!

Route service pickup and delivery can be as frequent as twice a week, or as little as once a month, depending on your needs.

Our drivers pickup on Tuesday with delivery on Friday or pickup on Monday with delivery on Thursday, depending on your area.

There is no per-item pickup and delivery charge with this service. We do not accept coupons on route.

Our route customers are all on a monthly billing plan, so it’s not necessary to be present when drivers pick up or drop off.

  • Fill out the sign-up form.
  • We will contact you within 2 business days.
  • Simply put garments in the supplied bag and place in the agreed upon location before 10am on Route day.
  • If all the garments do not fit in one bag, put additional items in a plastic bag.
  • If you have any spots for special treatment or special instructions, please include a note to bring them to our attention.
  • Professionally cleaned garments are returned the next scheduled delivery day. A detailed ticket will be attached.
  • Some items will take more than two days for processing. We will call as soon as we receive the item and let you know when it will be returned.
  • We charge at the end of the month or after each delivery.